대전호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성호빠 대전호스트빠

대전호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성호빠 대전호스트빠

대전호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성호빠 대전호스트빠
대전호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성호빠 대전호스트빠

대전호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성호빠 대전호스트빠

“So everyone has to buy food with money, but that’s not possible, is this correct? Some of you may know that

our warehouse has been full of groceries for a while now. Until the deposit blockade is lifted, we will provide

food to those who need it instead of money.”I raised my voice so that it could be heard clearly by everyone.

“That’s not even a fire, how long do you think these many people will last!”“It’s not fire-water, but it will last

for a month or two. If you don’t like this, we will pay you money as before. If you don’t like that, you can leave.

Even if you come back instead, they will not accept you.”Proper carrots and sticks.I presented it to the workers.

“Do you have any clear alternatives now? I stockpiled enough to last for two months. So if you’ve been working

until then and things still don’t get better, can’t you go back and think again? There is no place other than here

that promises those two months anyway. We will be waiting for you at the office, so please share your opinions

and let the representatives talk.”The workers were buzzing and talking frantically among themselves. I left them

대전호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성호빠 대전호스트빠

alone and went into the office.Anyway, I threw an irresistible hand, and the workers will know that this is the

best offer for them.It just takes a bit of time to recognize the situation.“Your words to Professor Heo Moon-

hoe predicted the current situation?”Upon entering the office, Choi Hee, who had been keeping her mouth

shut, brought her up.”haha. I am not a god At that time, the words were in vain.”In fact, when Choi Hee

returned from meeting Professor Heo Moon-hoe, she kept asking her what it meant to pay her monthly

salary in won.He said that he was very curious about Choi Hee’s calm personality.Each time, I just evaded

it by saying I had heard it wrong.Choi-hee wasn’t the kind of person who would go anywhere and make fun of

her mouth, but she might think that their information was leaked in the days of the military regime, so it

was best for her to be careful again.

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